Industry and Enterprises

The LIRC is working with industry to support a skilled logistics workforce, that supports your needs, today and into the future.  We play a critical role in articulating the skills development needs of the logistics sector and provide a platform for engagement with the vocational training sector to ensure skills development match the needs of industry and enterprises. This medium between industry and the vocational education sector assists in shaping curriculum and training program design to meet the needs of industry.

The LIRC is a strong advocate for the logistics sector to government, educators and the broader community. It includes representatives from across government – to shape and influence policy development, as well as industry – across large integrated logistics providers and smaller logistics services firms, including international enterprises to provide an important global perspective to its work. It is supported by an active secretariat hosted by the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Ho Chi Minh City Branch.

The LIRC represents the spectrum of logistics functions and activities from port operations, to land based distribution and warehousing, logistics services and last mile delivery.

Through industry surveys and stakeholder consultation, we are building a repository of knowledge about the logistics sector and trends in skills demand. This includes commissioning cutting edge research to understand future skills needs and building the first industry skills forecast model. This will enable the logistics industry and vocational education providers to monitor industry trends, opportunities and challenges and identify skills gaps and emerging skills needs to stay ahead of the curve in anticipating skills development needs for the sector. 

The LIRC is also leading in the development of Occupational Standards (OS) for priority job roles in the sector. These define the performance that workers are expected to achieve in their job role, and the knowledge and skills they need to perform effectively. OS are designed to reflect modern work environments as well as provide flexibility and portability for skilled labour. They can be used in a variety of ways, including:

  • Comparing existing qualifications and training programs against required skills and knowledge
  • For organisations to understand job roles and to use as a tool to design organisational structures and performance development
  • As a tool for training providers to develop learning and assessment materials
  • As the basis for analysis of other job roles and other industry sectors
  • As building blocks to develop TVET frameworks
  • Benchmarking within and across economies.

The LIRC is playing a leadership role in working with industry to define priority sector job roles and support their codification into Occupational Standards. So far, we have overseen the development of five priority job roles as OS including truck driver, port stevedore, forklift operator, freight forwarder and warehouse supervisor.

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